Wednesday, January 1, 2014

That Look!

Don't you just love that priceless look on your boys face when you tell him he's getting an ass whuppin tonight! He knows damn well he's had it coming but they always have that surprised look of...What? Why? Dad....I'm to old for that....kind of look on their face! They have an even better look on their face when you show up in his room later that night and tell him get all them clothes off and get his ass across the bed! He's gonna have that look on his face every time he sits down for the next week!


  1. excuses won't cut it, son. you need to take your medicine.

  2. anonymous. -- Ready or not your time has come You need to go to room and strip and then stand in the corner with your face to the wall I will be with you shortly .In meantime think about why this needs to happen You have run out of chances .Now you will get a spanking like you haven't had but you need badly I want you bent over the couch perhaps you forget your jJockeys Ned to drop to your ankles and you need to bend over and not move until tell you to

  3. hi BMBW - thanks for all the great pics and creative stories you post here. really appreciate the time you put into it. Peace, L

  4. what do you think pops is gonna use on that butt? belt, strap, paddle, or bath brush?
