All the excuses in the world isn't going to save your rear end from what you know you got coming! Sitting down for the next week won't be possible and the slightest misbehavior will result in lighting another fire in your already sore butt! You know you got a severe ass whuppin coming now pull back those covers and roll over on your stomach......I'll be back with the strap in a minute!
I don't know why but I've been waking up sweating from this dream? It was a dream right?
That would cause that reaction if I were him I wouldn't sleep naked
ReplyDeleteIn regard to Jmacjluv comment about sleeping in the Nude .To me this is never a good habit to begin with BUT ONE PUTS HIMSELF I'M ANY BAD POSITION WHEN HE DOES THIS ESPECIALLY KNOWING THAT HE MAYHAVE SOMEPUNISHMENT COMING FOR. DIFFCULTY HE MAYHAVE ENCOUNTRERD .HOWEVER IN MY VIEW IF HE HAS A WHIPPING COMING IT MAKES LITTLE DIFFERENCE WHAT GOES TO BED WEARING BECAUSE HE GOING TO GET IT SOONER OR LATER I DOn t Think There iIs Any QuestionAbout this However some Wouldnt want to make easy for the Spanker However Making It Diffculycan sometimes can make things worse In essense it Pay Me Now OR Later That All Being Said We Need to Remember That All Spankings-Whippings Are Given BareAss So Clothes DefersNothing As it All In One s.Birthday Suit
ReplyDeleteI disagree anonymous w/ some of your comment if you are the person that will get woke up to a spanking everyday then it doesn't matter but knowing that you aren't on the spanking list I wouldn't make tempting for anyone when they walk into the room & every spanking isn't given on the bare bc I feel the penalty should fit the infraction sometimes a belt on tight underwear can get the job done
ReplyDeletejmacjluw-----In regard to your posti g and not agreeing with Anonymous I don't believe it s tempingfor someone to wake a person up who isn't on the spanking list Observing someone in the Rawdpesnt necessarily meant that person wants to Spank that person however if person or persons are involved in waking someone up modesty tell me that person sleeping should be wearing some type of clothes perhaps gym shorts ETCIn regard to the spanking fitting the crime I believe this too But if a spankingis called for it s a serious matter and to me this means the spankee must be completely Naked This to me is nt something that can be discussed ?it s the general Norm and we all know it As far one wearing tight underwear during a whipping to me this doesn't get the job done for me .The only concession that I would be willing to consider is the spanking could possible start in the jockey shorts with the stipulation that atbsome point during the process of the spanking they would come down and off In some situations during whipping the spankee changes position that could be when this ocurrs I would be glad to discuss this with you .My email is I have observed many of your postings on this subject. Thanks
ReplyDeleteIn regard to this young man waking up after a alleged bad dream - Perhaps this young is having a play back to previous situation when he was given something to remember.Another possibility is perhaps this young man has done something he shouldn't have done and he is concerned about possible sanctions for same if his parents.find out Perhaps they know and a whuppin is in his future If somonebis returning with the strap we all know what s aboutnto happen .It going to be a different kind of morning.My peceptiom is things and someone lower parts are going to get very Hot Howevermust say this way it should bec this young man makes easier as he already prepared being Naked for what s going to happen .This young man golden Black Checks are going to be very discolored and sore I would think that due to previous situation that two things prevail 1) A very discolored and soreHiney will exist after ball is said and done 2) Sitting down any time soon is going to be impossible
ReplyDeletePerhaps you are dreaming about getting punished young man, because you've done something that you know is deserving of a whipping. The guilt and shame you feel about your actions, is coming out unconsciously through your dreams. You know what you have done son, and you know you deserve to get punished for it. The only way to make this dream go away, is to go to your father and confess to him what you've done. You'll probably get the hiding you have been dreaming about young man, but you can rest assured the after you face the music, your feelings of guilt and shame will pass. You may have to endure a pretty severe ass whippin that will leave your bare behind with a well deserved set of stripes and tears of remorse on your pillow, but it's the only way to make right the things you've done wrong. So man up, go to your father and get it off your chest. You may have to take a lickin, but you'll feel better for it in the end!