I know yo.....shit, he's gonna whup the skin off our butts this time!
I don't know why I keep letting you talk me into your dumb shit!
Hey you didn't have to come along bro!
I would of still got in trouble for not looking after you "Little Bro"!
Fuck man....I can't believe I'm laying here again, butt naked waiting on another whuppin!
What the hell is he waiting on....we've been here for an hour already!
I wonder what he's gonna use this time...I hope it's not that strap!
Well he doesn't whup us as long when he uses the strap...
The belt doesn't hurt as bad but he gives you twice the licks!
Shit I'll take the strap just to get it over with!
Damn....were getting to old for this shit and I'm gonna tell him that!
Don't yo....were already in enough trouble as it is!
I don't care man...who else do we know that are still getting butt whuppins?
Yeah...your in a great position to tell dad off yo!
Shit...well at least I'm not gonna cry this time yo!
Ha, ha...you cry like a baby every time!
Shit so do you after about 5 licks you pussy!
Aiight....I'll bet you $20 that I can hold out longer than you this time bitch!
Your on bro!
Fuck what's he waiting on?