Saturday, July 30, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
I Know I Got It Coming!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Maybe I'm getting to old to keep up with these fads but this one is called "Planking" basically you lay face down (I like that part) on any surface and try to stay as flat as you can and take a picture of it....the more bizarre the better. I like the idea this brutha had in the picture below...hmmmmm butt naked laid out in front of you.....I hope it catches on!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
Spankable Butt of The Week #24
He looks so peaceful like he's having a wonderful dream but in a few minutes he's gonna wake up to a angry father with a strap in his hand who will give him a butt whuppin that he will have nightmares about for a long, long time!

Every year I look forward to see a fresh new batch of frat pledges go through a 24 hour initiation. It's a embarrassing and humiliating sadistic ritual that will earn them the right to be in our fraternity! I truely hated going through it myself years ago but now I get to watch and enjoy those pledges getting their naked butts paddled over and over again in front of their soon to be frat brothers! I just wish I could do this for the rest of my life!

Brought Home By The Police Pt. 2
By Eric2
As my dad handed me the keys to the SUV he told me I was responsible for my brothers….as If I didn’t already know that! He told me to be back around 4pm because the family was coming over for a cookout. Ok dad we will, I said. This was the first time me and my brothers were allowed out of the house on our own in over a month. We’ve been grounded for being brought home by the police for trespassing in a neighbor’s pool! It was innocent fun but there was a $1,500.00 dollar fine! Not only did we get a no nonsense butt whuppin from dad but he grounded us for a month!
We just drove around for a while not really knowing what to do but we were just enjoying being out of the house. After stopping to get something to eat my brothers said they wanted to check out the beach…..I knew they wanted to catch up with all the ladies so I gave in and said ok! Since it was the 4th of July weekend the beach was packed and it was hard to find a place to park but I finally found a spot a few blocks away. We ran into a lot of our boyz and hung out for a while…a lot of them were asking where we’ve been for the last few weeks? To embarrassed to tell them the truth we just said we were visiting some family out of town….thankfully nobody pushed the subject anymore!
Now I had no intention of getting in the water but everybody kept asking us to do it so me and my brothers stripped down to our boxers and dove in! After splashing around for about an hour I realized that it was already after 3pm and yelled for my brothers to get there asses out of the water because we gotta go! I think they could tell by my voice that I was serious. We said by to our friends and grabbed our clothes and headed to the car. I don’t know what we were thinking by getting to that water….we didn’t bring any towels or anything! I told my brothers that when we get to the car just take off our boxers and then put out shorts back on…I don’t want dad beating my ass again for getting his seats all wet! My brothers just laughed and said ok. We got to the car and proceeded to get out of out wet shorts and tried to get changed as quickly as possible without anybody seeing us! I guess we weren’t fast enough when I heard a deep voice behind us….Excuse me gentlemen!
We just drove around for a while not really knowing what to do but we were just enjoying being out of the house. After stopping to get something to eat my brothers said they wanted to check out the beach…..I knew they wanted to catch up with all the ladies so I gave in and said ok! Since it was the 4th of July weekend the beach was packed and it was hard to find a place to park but I finally found a spot a few blocks away. We ran into a lot of our boyz and hung out for a while…a lot of them were asking where we’ve been for the last few weeks? To embarrassed to tell them the truth we just said we were visiting some family out of town….thankfully nobody pushed the subject anymore!
Now I had no intention of getting in the water but everybody kept asking us to do it so me and my brothers stripped down to our boxers and dove in! After splashing around for about an hour I realized that it was already after 3pm and yelled for my brothers to get there asses out of the water because we gotta go! I think they could tell by my voice that I was serious. We said by to our friends and grabbed our clothes and headed to the car. I don’t know what we were thinking by getting to that water….we didn’t bring any towels or anything! I told my brothers that when we get to the car just take off our boxers and then put out shorts back on…I don’t want dad beating my ass again for getting his seats all wet! My brothers just laughed and said ok. We got to the car and proceeded to get out of out wet shorts and tried to get changed as quickly as possible without anybody seeing us! I guess we weren’t fast enough when I heard a deep voice behind us….Excuse me gentlemen!

So there we were driving home with Officer Jackson following us home in his patrol car! The twins decided that this was the time to scream and yell at me about what dad was gonna do but I yelled back and said look… know were gonna get our butts whupped again but you know it would be a lot worse with a fine now shut up! It was quiet for the rest of the ride home…..I could see all the cars and smell the grill smoke as I parked the car. We had to park down the street a little ways because most of the family had arrived for the cookout which just made everything more complicated and embarrassing. We walked up to the house when I heard one of my cousin’s yell that we were home and there was a cop with us! Shit I thought…..Thanks cousin Jeffery, I said under my breath….I hate that little shit! Dad was at the door in a second with a look on his face that almost beyond description! Officer Jackson spoke first and asked dad if he was Mr. Tyson as he shook his hand. Mr. Tyson…I’m officer Jackson and your boys were ticketed for public nudity at a public beach today. Now normally I would let them off with a warning but when I found out about the incident last month I thought I would bring them home and talk to you myself. As officer Jackson continued to talk I could see my dad’s face turn into that (I’m gonna beat your ass black and blue) look and I’ve seen that look a lot lately! I interrupted and tried to explain that we were just changing out of our wet clothes so we wouldn’t get the seats wet but dad cut me off and said he was gonna dry our butt good in a few minutes! My dad asked Officer Jackson to come inside and told us to get our butts down to the basement and to get out of those clothes NOW! We quickly did as we were told leaving them to talk.
Walking down the steps into that musty basement I knew that this was gonna be even worse than before! I’ve only been sent down here once before for cussing at my dad….it just slipped out and after that whuppin and I never did it again! My brothers as usual were already in tears as we slowly undressed……it didn’t take long since we weren’t wearing any boxers so within a minute were were bare ass naked and waiting on our dad. The worst part is that our entire family was upstairs and knew exactly what was going on and would be able to hear it as well! When I was younger it was easier to get over embarrassing shit like this but now I don’t think I’ll ever live it down…..17 and about to get a bare ass whuppin in front of my family! Still in deep thought about it all I heard the basement door open and heard my dad coming down the stairs but what surprised me was Officer Jackson was right behind him! What the hell I thought as all three of us instinctively covered ourselves. Dad…please just listen to me……we, Dad cut me off again and told us that Officer Jackson will not fine us as long as he was sure we had learned a lesson. Dad told us that Officer Jackson has two son’s himself and disciplines them the same way I’m about to! All the blood seemed to drain from my face as I realized what was about to happen…he was gonna watch dad give us our whuppins! It was bad enough with the entire family there but having officer Jackson there to witness our punishment was too much! My dad told the twins to go bring the workbench over to the middle of the room. It was a workout bench he got a few years ago but rarely used so now it was nothing but a butt whuppin bench!

Damn…what did he want us to do….thank him? My dad stepped up behind Marvin and let loose with that belt right across Marvin’s ass! WHACK, THWACK, THWACK! I gasped at the sound it made and I could instantly see the welts from that evil belt forming on my little brothers ass! Marvin hit a new level of screaming that I had never heard before! Daddiiieeee…nooooooo….pleaseeeeee! I knew there was no way he would stay in place and my dad knew it to so he had me and Marcus hold my naked bro down for his whuppin! WHACK, WHAP, THWAP! Oooowwwwwiiiiiieeee….I’m sorryyyyyy! WHAP, THWACK, THWAP! Dad laid a few across his sit spot but mostly focused on the center of his ass! THWACK! Ahhhhhh! Dad gave him one final lick that you would swear had killed him but he was ok! Ok Marcus…your turn! I realized that he only gave him 10 licks but I realized that this belt had a lot more stinging power in it than my dads and I think my dad realized it to! Marvin got up crying as hard as I’ve ever seen him cry and stood up with his hands behind his head without even being told! I knew he didn’t want any more of that belt! Marcus took the position Marvin was just in and held on for dear life. My dad didn’t wait for him to get out of position he made us hold him down from the start! I looked up at Marvins big brown booty sticking up in the air and watched my dad’s arm swing that belt into his ass! WHAP, THWACK, WHAP! I could feel my brothers shoulder muscles tighten up with every lick! WHAP THWACK, THWACK! Dad….PLEASEEEE! WHACK, WHACK, THWACK, WHAP! The last lick got him right on his upper thighs….WHAP! He nearly got away from us after that last lick…..I knew that shit had to hurt and they were both dying to rub there asses but they knew better! I knew it was my turn and as I got up I noticed that the music that had been playing in the back yard had stopped and it was very quiet. I realized that my entire family was listening in on our whuppins and I knew our cousins were enjoying the hell out of this! As I walked around the bench I glanced at Officer Jackson who I swear had a smirk on his face and from his pants I could tell he was enjoying this whole thing! I wanted to say something to my dad but I knew better! I laid myself across the bench making my ass a big vulnerable target for that belt! JT….I’m gonna give you 20 licks! You’re supposed to be a little more responsible and this is the second time you have been brought home by the police! Shit…..I didn’t think it was fair that I was about to get my ass busted for some ridiculous public nudity fine. I could feel Officers Jacksons eyes on my ass….I knew he was loving every moment of this! My dad made my brothers hold me down and then it started! WHAP….oh shit…..what the fuck! AHHH! My god that hurt! WHAP, WHAP, THWACK! Dad……AHHHHH….STOP! WHAP, THWACK, THWACK! Daddy….pleaseeee I can’t take any more! I was begging my heart out…..I was so embarrassed about acting like this but this was the most painful thing I’ve ever felt! WHAP, THWACK, WHAP! Up until this point he worked my ass over pretty good but the next volley he aimed at my lower cheeks and upper thighs! WHAP, WHAP, WHAP! AHHHHH…WAAAAAHHHHH! I was openly crying now and kicking my legs around exposing my most private areas to my dad and Officer Jackson but at that moment I could really care less! My ass was on fire and it was all my brothers could do to keep me in place! WHAP, THWACK WHAP! Ahhhhhh…..No more…….WHAAAAA! THWACK, THWACK, WHAP, WHAP! I had tears and snot running down my face and I was begging my dad to stop but I wasn’t making any sense…I was just blubbering like an idiot.
I didn’t realize that it was over and my dad told my brothers to help me up. It was the second time in a month that they have seen their older brother reduced to a crying baby! We stood there with our hands on our heads watching Officer Jackson put his belt back on. He still had that smirk on his face and I was beginning to dislike him more with every passing moment! My dad told us to thank Officer Jackson for bring us home and not giving us a ticket! What! Thank him? As far as I was concerned he could kiss my ass but I’ll bet he would love that too! Me and my brothers mumbled out a thank you and he told us to stay out of trouble because he would be watching us! What the hell does that mean I said to myself? He turned and headed upstairs as I heard the music come back on. Shows over I guess! My dad said that Officer Jackson is going to bring him one of his old belts for me so if I were you boys I’d keep out of trouble! Just the thought of one of those belts in the house would be a reason to stay out of trouble! My dad told us to keep our hands behind out heads and to put our noses against the wall until he told us to move!

We were grounded again for only two weeks this time so I figured that we would be able to salvage a little bit of the summer but when our grounding is over I don’t think I want to go anywhere. I’m not looking forward to another session with that belt or another run in with Officer “Asshole” Jackson!
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