Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
He Wants It!
I love a brutha who is not only willing to be spanked but one who wants and needs to be spanked! (Still looking for that brutha) He will do just about anything to get you to put some heat into that ass! He will even go as far to be bare ass naked and in position on your bed waiting for you when you get home! How can you deny such an inviting target? You go over to the closet and take that strap off the hook and give him what he wants and then a little more.......then you take what you want!

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Spankable Butt Of The Week #42
Damn....that butt is just bursting out of those jeans! It's a good thing he's already got them pulled down because I think his daddy would have a hard time getting those jeans down over that ass! 

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Principle Hard Knox
Up Over The Padded Bench
Up over the padded bench and waiting to get a serious dose of the strap as he waits for his daddy to administer it! He was told to strip naked and go down to the basement and wait in position with his legs spread which always embarrasses him because it lets his daddy see everything but having his bottom parts exposed is the least of his problems right now!

Sneeking A Peek
Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Jamacian Moment
This short story was sent to me by a B.M.B.W. blog follower and wanted to share his story...Enjoy
I was walking past an all age school in Jamaica's north west, when I heard a commotion coming from playground, as I'm a nosey person I stopped to have a look, In the middle of the playground stood a high school student ,who looked about 16/17, with 3 smaller all age students, looking about 12, and a number of school staff, after a few more minutes of shouting the high school student was grabbed by his ear and pulled across a table.
His tan trousers and white underwear soon ended up around his ankles showing his coffee coloured ass, one of the females gave him a swat with her hand before a cane appeared,
I was to far away to see what his reactions were but one of the 3 smaller boys must have said or did something because his slightly darker ass was up there next to the older boy and it wasn't long before I could hear his shouting. I had to leave at this point so I don't what happened next.

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Before, During & After
Here is a great photo of what I think are the three stages of a whuppin! First there is the peeling down those shorts and briefs so your Coach has a nice target for the strap then taking your licks until he thinks he has gotten his point across to you and then enjoying the warm glow of your freshly whupped ass as you bring yourself to an explosive climax! Just don't let the Coach know how much you look forward to taking his weekly strapping!

Severe Caning M/F
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Coach's Punishment
After a ten minute session with the Coach's wicked paddle in front of all your teammates the coach then makes you sit with your bare throbbing ass on the "stool of shame" with the football pressed against your head until he decides to let you get up! This punishment is for dropping and fumbling the ball during the game! Your not the first or the last boy that will endure this punishment before the season is over but the problem is your gonna have to deal with the humiliation of being paddled in front of everybody and crying your eyes least until the coach picks his next victim! I think this punishment could be used for High school, College as well as the Pro's! 

Sponge Bob Spank Pants
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Double Trouble

I know yo.....shit, he's gonna whup the skin off our butts this time!
I don't know why I keep letting you talk me into your dumb shit!
Hey you didn't have to come along bro!
I would of still got in trouble for not looking after you "Little Bro"!
Fuck man....I can't believe I'm laying here again, butt naked waiting on another whuppin!
What the hell is he waiting on....we've been here for an hour already!
I wonder what he's gonna use this time...I hope it's not that strap!
Well he doesn't whup us as long when he uses the strap...
The belt doesn't hurt as bad but he gives you twice the licks!
Shit I'll take the strap just to get it over with!
Damn....were getting to old for this shit and I'm gonna tell him that!
Don't yo....were already in enough trouble as it is!
I don't care man...who else do we know that are still getting butt whuppins?
Yeah...your in a great position to tell dad off yo!
Shit...well at least I'm not gonna cry this time yo!
Ha, cry like a baby every time!
Shit so do you after about 5 licks you pussy!
Aiight....I'll bet you $20 that I can hold out longer than you this time bitch!
Your on bro!
Fuck what's he waiting on?
Spankable Butt Of The Week #40
Mmmmm....Good Morning! I think a nice morning spanking to wake you up is a great way to start the day!

Thursday, November 25, 2010
TJ's Spanking F/M
TJ get's a good OTK spanking on his big brown bubble butt! There is a short clip of it below. I don't know if he eventually gets his briefs pulled all the way off or not but it looks like she yanked them up between those cheeks so she can spank that ass hard! There is a second video on the web site of him spanking her but I think this is the better one!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Spankable Butt Of The Week #39
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Black Beauty
What a great name for a razor strap! That would look great hanging on the back of the bedroom door of all those bad brutha's out there in need of some no nonsense discipline! That strap needs to be broken in though....and there is only one way to do that! I hope you bad boys aren't mad that I posted this!

Monday, November 15, 2010
Spankable Butt Of The Week #38
Hell no....not this time man! Don't try and use that "I'm sorry baby" on me! And don't try and use your sexy act to change my know I told you that your gonna get that azz spanked tonight and I'm gonna keep that promise! Now roll over and pull them drawz down!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Public Display
I'm sure there are a whole list of circumstances that led to this brutha being bare butt on top of the fire hydrant! Maybe a dare from his boyz or alcohol might be involved but I think it will end in a public bare butt whuppin especially since his dad is the towns Fire Chief!

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Spankable Butt Of The Week #37
Very cute, very sexy and yes....very, very spankable! He's working out and giving everyone in the gym a peek at what they all want! What he doesn't know is that most of the men who are looking at his beautiful butt can only see a butt that need to be spanked!
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