I was just goofing around with my boys and one thing lead to another, ya know acting like fools and we ended up taking some pics with my phone.....taking our shirts off and mooning the camera! That was my first mistake! I sent the photo to all my friends phone so they would have a copy but I also unknowingly sent it to my dads phone as well!

About an hour later my friend tells me he just got a text from my dad! I asked him why did my dad send you a text? I think your gonna find out soon man and there's a pic attached too! That's when everybody else started looking at there phones and saying the got a message from my dad too. I grabbed my phone and saw there was a message from him on there and I was shocked at what I saw when I opened it.

It was a photo of my dad's belt on what looked to be my bed with a message saying....."
This will be waiting on your bare behind when you get home". I looked up and saw the looks on my boys faces and they all stared busting up! I realized that I must of sent that pic to his phone....damn! Shit I said to myself.....did he send it to everyone? Man you dad's gonna tear that ass up when you get home! They were all having a good time with my humiliating moment and for the rest of the day they all kept asking me if I was ready to go home!