Everyone in the house and the neighborhood knows whats gonna happen when your dad gets home! They have all seen your hard headed actions get you into trouble so many times they are getting used to it and this times no different. Your mom tells you to get your butt upstairs and get ready for when he comes home! After a hard days work the last thing your dad wants to hear about you getting into trouble again so he will be even more upset when he lights your ass up !
You climb the stairs with your brothers laughing and teasing you about how daddy's gonna whup your butt good this time.....you hate knowing that they are gonna hear everything but they are right about how he's really gonna give it to you good this time! You close the door behind you not that it's gonna do you any good because he usually leaves it open when he whups you but at least you can have a little privacy until then!
You take off your sneakers and socks and then you peel down your pants and shorts.....you can feel the cool breeze on your smooth ass that won't be cool for long! Your dad doesn't mind if you leave your shirt on...it's your butt he's more interested in! You swear to yourself that you must be the only boy left who's father still whups his ass but what you don't know is that it's happening all around the country, everyday bad boys like you are climbing on their beds and getting that butt roasted good by there fathers who need to teach them a lesson! You climb on the bed and into the position he likes to whup you in and wait for it like you've done so many times before. You hear his car pull up and the front door open and close...it's quiet for a moment but then you can hear your mom's voice then you hear your dad yell and utter a few curse words. You involuntary clench your ass cheeks as you hear him coming up the stairs! The door swings open and he is standing there with his belt already doubled over in his hand! You think what you must look like to him....a half naked sixteen years old with your bare ass sticking up for a whuppin! You try to speak and explain yourself in a lame attempt to get out of this whuppin but he cuts you off and tells you that he doesn't wanna hear it and walks over to your bed. He tells you how he is tired of having to come home again and again to you being in trouble and after the first lick lands you know he means business this time!
THWACK! Ahhhh...you scream as his belt lands dead center across your brown cheeks! THWACK, WHAP! Daaadd Pleeeease, WHAP, THWACK, THWACK! You know right away that he is laying it on hard and fast....so fast in fact that you don't even have time to absorb the last lick before he delivers another. He tells you to keep your behind still but thats almost impossible when your ass in on fire!
WHACK, THWACK, THWACK.....arrrgggghhhh....I'm sorry you try to yell but he's not hearing any of that today! You grab onto the sheets of your bed to try and stay in position so you don't get an even longer whuppin than you need! Your eyes are full of tears but your not quite crying yet but what you don't know is that hearing you crying is the only thing that's gonna stop this ass whuppin! You glance up at your bedroom door to see your brothers peeking in at your humiliating butt whuppin but before you can scream at them to get out your dad hits you with another series of licks of the belt! THWACK, THWACK, THWACK!

You can't hold it in any more as your lip starts to quiver and the tears flow even harder as you start to cry like a little baby! Thwack, Thwack, Waaahhhhh.....Daddy....waahhhhh! You know everyone in the house can hear you getting what you deserve and probably a few houses in every direction as well! You didn't even realize your dad had stopped whupping your behind and put his belt back on as he tells your brothers to git unless they want some of the same. They run down the hallway to avoid getting what you just got and you lay there and cry into your sheets. Your dad tells you that your not to old for a good ass whuppin and tells you that the next time he has to do this it will be alot worse than this one!
He leaves the room as you wonder how it could possible be worse that what you just got but you think about what he said and start to cry all over again as you try and rub the sting out of your red, welted behind! You finally fall asleep on your stomach with your red butt sticking up for your bratty brothers to come in and check out! They even touch it a few times and feel the heat coming off your ass! Later that evening you mother brings you up a plate of food...your ass is still so sore you don't even try to cover yourself up. She tells you that your dad loves you and needs to keep you on the right path.....you know shes right as you try and eat. Down the hall you hear what sounds like a hand hitting bare flesh and your dad yelling at your brothers....

DIDN'T, Whack I, Whack TELL, Whack YOU, Whap TO, Whap STAY, Slap OUT, Whap OF, Slap HIS, Whap ROOM? Well....at least you have something to smile about now!