Our dad "Big Mike" runs a construction & demo
crew and during our summer vacations me and my brother Troy would go with him a
few days a week to help because "as dad says" it helps keep us out of trouble and
put a few bucks in our pocket as well. We knew most of dad’s crew from when we
were little boys so it was like having 10 uncles around all the time. A
construction site is a dangerous place to work at so my dad would have us do
the most lame menial thing like cleaning up or painting or something like
that....well one day we were helping out in this building downtown and our dad
wanted us to throw all of the scraps and debris down this trash chute that empties into a
big dumpster. I guess that It got a little boring for us so for some stupid reason I
decided to open a window and start flinging stuff into the dumpster from there.
Troy and Shawn |
My brother saw this and figured he had to do the same thing! Looking back I can't believe I was that stupid....so sure enough I tossed a two
by four out which missed the dumpster by a mile and hit my dad’s windshield on
his work truck! Instantly I knew we or I
was in big trouble! Oh shit Shawn....you hit dads truck! I know it man....be
quiet! For some reason I thought no one would notice but there were a few
workers standing close to it when it happened! They looked up and saw us and I
knew we were dead! Our dad yelled for us to come down to the ground floor and
asked us what happened. He took us outside and saw his broken windshield....God
Damnit he shouted....why you didn’t use the trash chute like I showed you! Me
and Troy had no excuse and just stood there like deer in headlights.
Big Mike |
Most of
the construction workers were gathered around by now checking to see what was
going on.....they knew our dad pretty well and have heard some stories over the
years about having to punish his boys from time to time so I guess they were
wondering what was going to happen now! Well they didn't have to wait
long....my dad told me and Troy to go into the big back room where the workers
took their lunch breaks and wait for him. I didn't like the sound of this and I
was just hoping that he would yell at us but I had a feeling it was gonna be
alot worse than that. Some of the construction workers who were in there were
telling us that they hadn't seen big Mike that mad in a long time and they knew
what was about to go down! Shit, I thought to myself....he wouldn't do this to
us here...not in front of everyone! I was shaking like a leaf when he came back
carrying a saw horse and a piece of wood that looked just like a paddle!
No...No...No....please God No I thought to myself! By now it was all to obvious
what was gonna happen and one of the workers spoke up and asked my dad if he
wanted them to clear the room....I couldn't believe my ears when he told them
no just stay right where they are and that this wasn't gonna take long! I tried
to speak....dad please....were sorry don't...not here please! My dad wasn't
having any of it....he told us to get over to the saw horse, drop your jeans
and bend over it...NOW!

Like most of the
workers there we weren't wearing any shirts because of the heat so we were
gonna be pretty much butt naked for this! We walked to the saw horse and I
swore I heard someone say "dead men walking” I took another glance at my
dad thinking that it would change his mind when he yelled "GET THOSE JEANS
AND DRAWS DOWN NOW" Me and Troy jumped at his command and started undoing
our jeans and pulled them down all the way to our ankles followed by our
Boxers! I had never been that embarrassed in my young life....I could feel all
the eyes in the room on our naked bare butts! My dad pushed me over the horse
and put my brother opposite me and bent him over it as well so no matter where
you were in the room you got a view of a brown set of cheeks about to get

As I was bent over in shame I wondered where he had gotten that
paddle from so fast? I found out later from one of the guys that they usually
make one at every worksite out of some scraps just for fun to initiate the new
guys or to settle a bet...nothing serious just a little fun!
I watched upside
down as my dad walked over to pick up the paddle and I noticed that Troy was
already crying and I felt bad because it was me who had the bright idea to
start throwing stuff out of the window but I knew tears weren’t to far away for
me either. Before he started to blister our butts asked us if we had anything
to say……I wanted to tell him it was my fault but I didn’t, I don’t know why but
I guess it was because I was scared shitless right at that moment! Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap! Ahhhhhhhhh…..I
couldn’t help but to scream as the solid piece of wood made contact with my vulnerable
bare ass! I was kicking my legs as the burn started to seep into my ass! I
could see my involuntary tears hitting the floor below me! Whap, Whap, Whap,
Whap, Whap! Daddy ….I’m sorry! At first I didn’t even realize it wasn’t my butt
that were getting the licks…it was Troy’s turn for the next five! I could feel
the saw horse shake with each lick……dad wasn’t playing around and I wondered
how long this was gonna go on! Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap! Ahhhhh…..pleeeaassssseeee!
I was starting to openly cry and blubber now….Troy was doing the same after the
first five licks! I would rather take the strap from dad instead of this damn
paddle! Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap! Troy was screaming his head off and
kicking his legs with each lick dad gave him….I thought he was gonna have to be
held down but to his credit he stayed bent over the horse! I watched dad
through my legs as he walked behind me and placed the paddle on my sore, swollen
ass again….. Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap! I was lost in my own painful world
by this time…..the pain along with the humiliation of all of dads crew watching
me and my brother get our asses beat was almost too much! I screamed again Owwwwiiieee…Daddy
please stop but almost before I got the words out I heard the next round landing
on my bro’s butt…. Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap! I listened to my sixteen year
old brother crying like he was five and I was doing the same…..I was only a
year older but I was crying just as much as he was! Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap! I nearly
jumped off of the horse that time…..I was so lost in my own thoughts that I
didn’t even see dad walk back around to me! I had tears and snot dripping all
over the floor….I didn’t know how I would ever live this down or look at any of
dads crew in the face again! Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap, Whap! I listened to
another round land on Troy’s brown butt
and knew how bad it felt…..Troy was even more of a mess than me….he was
crying harder than I’ve ever seen him cry before!
I was waiting for another set
of licks when dad told us to get up. I was more than happy to do so and I
slowly got up and started to reach back to put out the fire when dad told me to
put my hands on my head and keep them there! He had to help Troy get up and had
him stand there just like I was then it was time for one of dad’s famous
speeches! He told us how disappointed he was and how carless we were and that
we could of hurt someone and ourselves! He went on to say how expensive the insurance
was for his workers and couldn’t afford people getting hurt by our stupid
behavior! He went on and on but honestly all I could focus on was my ass and that
it felt like it was four times the size it normally was and that I was standing
pretty much butt ass naked in front of about 15 grown men after they all saw me
get my ass paddled by my dad!

Tears were still running down both of our faces
but the crying had stopped and dad let us pull up out jeans and told us to go
get in the truck. We had to walk through a gauntlet of workers as dad followed
behind us who were all making comments on what they just saw!

One of them said,
“wow big Mike……you really let them have it” Yeah he said, “that’s nothing
compared to the ass whuppins they will be getting tonight”! Instantly on
hearing this Troy broke down again and I helped him into the truck! It was
pretty silent on the way home except for dad telling us on how we were both
gonna come to work with him every day to pay for the new windshield he was
gonna have to get but that wasn’t the worst part……..the worst part was gonna be
looking at all those workers everyday knowing that they all saw us get reduced into crying little boys in a matter of minutes. I've heard the saying "a whuppin youll never forget" and now I know exactly what it means! Everytime I go to work with my dad now and see the workers and smell the saw dust I am brought back to that very embarassing and painful day.