Friday, March 23, 2012

Your Both Getting The Switch!

Going back home to spend a few days with your dad seemed like a good idea to you and your brother but you never expected to be leaving with a sore and welted behind! You and your brother thought you were way to old to get stripped down and marched out back for a switchin.....well you were both wrong! it's gonna be a long painful drive back to the city!


  1. beautiful, brotherly, loving. shot

    1. Agreed. Beautiful shot on a fall day.

  2. Have you even been part of a pair or a group being spanked?
    That was usual for we brothers and cousins. We took turns going over the
    knee and watching-waiting. In one session you never knew how many times
    you'd have to bend your bare bottom for spanking again. Watching was
    fun, but the waiting part less so.

  3. I never have anonymous so I can't relate to that but I can imagine how fun watching would have been

  4. I've been in line before....waiting....not fun and really embarassing!
