Sunday, October 14, 2012

Straddling The Bed!

Get your butt up stairs and straddle the bed! That's what my dad would tell me when I had a good butt whuppin coming! Whenever he told me that I know it was gonna be a bad one....most of the time I just got the belt which was bad enough but for the real bad ones I got the razor strap he kept hanging on the back of my bedroom door. I always got it bare ass naked too....a few dozen licks with that usually kept me in line for a long time but I always swore it would be the last time.....but it never was!


  1. They always say they will never do it again & it always end up w/ in the same position nice chocolate butt on him straddled & spread eagle

  2. A few dozen licks is not enough for that ASS.

  3. Bid juicy ass I could fuck all night

  4. A bubble ass with perfect combo of muscle and fat. I'd fuck that but couldn't go all nite. Id pump in twice and blow my load. At least im man enuff to admit it

  5. You guys are the best for finding the most juicy butts to get me going. Keep up the good work.
