Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pillow Talk

When your getting your boy ready for his butt whuppin and after you have him strip make sure you put a few well placed pillows under him. It will push that booty up so you will have a perfect target to swing at! Your boys not gonna like it but he has no say in it anyway! Now go get your strap or take your belt off and give him what he needs and secretly wants!


  1. I would take my belt off and spank him for 1 hour straight! By the time I am through his ass will be red, his face full of tears, but he will remember to be a good boy next time!

  2. Yeah Link....After a hour he will be well beyond crying! More like blubbering and begging you to stop!

  3. haha, yeah and I'd know how he feels! The last time i got spank, which was months and months ago, I was spanked for over an hour with hand, hairbrush, belt, and paddle til i was crying. The spanker said take it, so i did with my butt held high in the air to take my spanking!

  4. A boy with his booty raised up on pillows and given one hour of hard spankin treatment would be blubberin, hollerin, and drippin tears and snot down his face. One thing for certain, he'd not be sittin down easily for a while. Mind you, some boys need that reminder every now and then.

    Now some dads who are close to their boys will allow them to cry it out, and then comfort the lads with a gentle application of lotion and some rubbing. After all, we don't wanna see chapped skin on those rump cakes - they need to be ready for the next good whippin.

  5. Lol...yeah you want that butt ready to go for the next time which usualy isn't that far off!
