Thursday, October 8, 2009

Shhh....Don't Tell On Me!

It never failed to happen when you were a do something dumb or stupid that you knew was gonna get your butt in trouble so you told your brother or your friends not to tell on you but somehow it gets back to Mom or Dad anyway!

With your friends it was always a matter of time until everybody in the neighborhood knew what you did and would get back to your parents eventually!

Sometimes your brother knew you did something wrong and swore he would never tell but he would accidentally let something slip out in front of your Mom or Dad and then the jig was up!

The usual culprit in my house was my tattling little sister who thoroughly enjoyed seeing me get into trouble and enjoyed it even more if it ended up with dad taking the belt to my bare behind!

What ever I did wrong it usually ended up with me laying face down on my bed crying and rubbing my if there is a possibility of getting a butt whuppin for something you did....Trust No One!


  1. Hmmmm,Eric2 I can relate the commentary you wrote to go with the photo that you posted above!And speaking of tattling sisters,Man! I had two of them,both younger than me to content with!Both my sisters loved getting me in trouble! I also had a little brother but he was cool! he never,ever tattled on me and I never ever tattled on him!None of my male friends were tattle tails back then either! Yeah,I was the oldest,and the oldest usually gets spanked the most,because of his younger siblings.When I was younger,my younger sisters would catch me doing something,and I'd hear that familiar refrain"OOOh! I'm going to tell!" and they usually did! and I got punished.When I got older,as a teen with a driver's license, I managed to bribe them or they blackmailed me into going to McDonalds and buying them a Big Mac,Fries and a Large Shake to keep their mouths shut!Boy!did I stay broke around them! But it saved my behind from many a buttwhupping!

  2. Damn Ayejay....why didn't I use the McDonalds bribe! I think that might of saved my butt too!
