I've heard him paddle a few of my boyz and was even lucky enough to witness one! Everybody knew the the coach uses a paddle even though the school district prohibits corporal punishment. It was one of those things that everybody knew about but nothing was ever said about it. Each time it happened I wondered why I got so turned on.....it was all I could think about for days after. I knew that the Coach didn't like us being late for class or spending to much time in the lockeroom after gym and this was the main reason he would paddle us so I decided to take my time after gym. When he saw me I was at the sink with my shorts saggin halfway down my ass......Miller, he hollered! Didn't you hear the bell? It rang 5 minutes ago? I stood up and told him I only had study hall next so I was taking my time.

He told me to get to his office now! As I followed behind him I was shaking like a leaf......be careful what you ask for I said to myself! As we entered his office he told me that he thought I was the one kid who stayed out of trouble and that he was gonna make sure that I stayed that way! Bend over the desk he said sternly! I knew he wasn't kidding from the tone of his voice. I turned and grabbed the edge of his desk......my shorts were still saggin on my behind but I soon felt him tug them down to my knees! He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a short wooden paddle that I knew must of been used on countless butts over the years and it was soon gonna include mine! I was semi erect standing there bare assed in front of the coach....I wasn't sure if he noticed it or not though. He walked behind me...nothing happened for a few moments and I was feeling more and more embarrassed and I knew he was getting a good look at my ass! I started to say i was sorry but before i got the words out I heard a swoosh and a WHAP on my right ass cheek! Oww....i jumped up at the pain and the shock of the paddle hitting my ass! Oh god that hurt.....I started regretting my decision big time and telling the Coach i was sorry for not getting dressed in time! Miller he said, get back across that desk or your gonna get twice as many I was gonna give you! I turned back around and grabbed his desk and almost immediately I felt another sting on my left cheek that hurt just as much as the first hit! Owwweeee....I screamed like a little boy but I didn't let go of the desk! I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and my ass was on fire from only two swats! WHAP, WHAP, WHAP.....aahhhhh...Coach please....WHAP......WHAP...WHAP....! I was laying across his desk now.....blubbering like a well spanked little boy....I must of been quite the sight with my bare ass hanging over his desk which must have been cherry red by now and openly crying! Without warning he gave me the final blow! WHAP! I screamed and reached back to rub my burning ass! Ok Miller...that's ten....get up and get yourself together then come back and I'll send a note to your next class on why you were late. Y...Yes Sir I said as I did that well spanked dance in front of him. I didn't realize but I had kicked off my shorts and bent down to pick them up when he gave me another swat with his bare hand to get me moving! Ow......I'm going Coach and I ran out into the lockeroom to get dressed. My hard on was long gone and my ass was on fire.....what the hell was I thinking I said to myself?

That shit hurt like hell! At that moment I told myself that I never wanted to feel his paddle again but as the days and week went by after that it seemed that it was all I thought about. When I saw the coach after that it seemed like it never happened.....maybe he paddled so many boys it wasn't a big deal to him? Now whenever I walked into that lockeroom and smelled that lockeroom smell it took me right back to that moment when I was bare ass over the coaches desk!