Monday, March 31, 2008

Spanking Chair

This chair should be standard issue in all households! When your boy isn't bent over it he can be across your lap on it!


  1. I could not agree more, actually I have one very simular and it works just fine for bending over for a strapping and when my top puts me over my knee.

  2. Boys bent over a chair with buns bumping upward....


    I actually use a chiar for some of my boys' punishment sessions. They bend their waist over the back of the chair, stretch out their hands to grasp the lower front legs, and lock their knees tight. That tightens up a boy's butt just perfectly, so that my strap cracks nice and loud as it lands across those taut rump cakes.

  3. This is a classic position for all Dads to use. Kept an old straight back chair in the basement just for this. Boy got bent over and butt nekkid and took my belt, the strop and the paddle til he learned his lesson. Kept him bent over so I could use his ass for some male relief.
