Young Marcus didn't know what his dad had planned for him when he got home but he was about to find out. As soon as he walked in the door ha found Marcus out back and ordered him out to the back yard. Marcus wasn't quite sure what his old man wanted but he has heard that tone before and started to get worried. When his dad came out back

he was carrying one of the stools from the kitchen counter with him. Marcus didn't like the looks of this and decided to asked him what was going on? His dad told him that he got a call from his school about him being absent quite a few times this semester. Marcus's face damn near drained of color when his dad told him this. He thought he covered his tracks. Marcus tried to explain but he knew he was busted! His dad told him to drop those shorts and get his butt bent over this stool for your whuppin! Daddy please, he begged in his best little boy voice ...hoping to get his dad to have some pity on him and maybe let him off with just grounding or something. I said strip and get your behind across this stool unless you want a whuppin every night this week! Shit Marcus thought to him self......There is no way out of this....he hadn't been whupped in quite awhile. He thought he was getting a little to old for this and never thought he would be spanked again but that was about to change. Marcus the realized that he was only wearing his long baggy basketball shorts and his doo rag and if he took them off it would leave his bare ass naked out in the yard...but the look on his dad's face told him not to push it so he striped his shorts and briefs off and stood there naked as the day he was born in front of his dad. Ok Marcus get over the stool....I'm gonna go get the strap and take care of your behind! Marcus was there dying of embarrassment bent over that stool with his pretty brown rump on display. He froze when he heard some of the neighborhood boys playing in there yards and knew that they were gonna hear it all! When his dad came out he pleaded for him to do this inside but his father told him that he should of thought of that before he chose to do such a stupid thing to do so maybe if you get embarrassed you will think twice before doing it again! His father didn't waste a second and started laying itno his ass good and hard with the strap! Marcus didn't last ten strokes before he was crying and begging his daddy to please stop! Whap, Whap, Thwack! Ahhhh...Marcus was yelling but still holding on to the stool! After about twenty minuets of continuo

us butt whuppin his daddy stopped. Marcus wasn't even aware that his dad stopped because he was in his own painful world. Marcus was crying very loudly now but was starting to calm down. His dad told him that he hoped he learned something from this and hope he doesn't have to repeat this anytime soon or he would really be sorry. Now I want you to stand there until I tell you to move and don't even think about rubbing that behind young man. Marcus said yes sir and stood up and winced at the intense pain coming from his ass! He stood there for awhile and was aware that some of the neighborhood kids were peeking through the fence and taunting him! Stuff like Hey Marcus...did daddy spank you? I'm gonna tell everybody in school tomorrow..ha, ha.! Marcus just hung his head down and cried. Before his dad told him it was time to come in he looked back at the fence and saw somebodies hand sticking over the fence holding one of those damn camera phones! Marcus knew that next week in school was gonna be a long embarrassing week!