Monday, August 17, 2009

A Blistered Butt

Get those clothes off son and then I want you butt naked and up against that wall......and get those hands up high! I want a perfect target for this razor strap! Son I havn't whupped your behind in a long time.....but I'm gonna make up for it right now! Don't even think of getting out of position until I'm done or I'll double what I plan on giving you! I've let you slide for to long son and you can plan on more whuppins like this in the get ready, I'm gonna blister your butt good!


  1. Now, that is a beautiful PHAT ASS!!!! Perfect for spanking!!!


  2. OUCH,WISH I HAD MONEY,I'D GET SOME HOT BUCKS THAT ARE LIKE KEN NORTON IN MANDINGO,men like JEROME BETTIS,MICHAEL STRAHAN,AND OF COURSE SHAWNE a movie about a black bull breeding farm in slavery days,the massa has his bulls for sexual pleasure,but if they disobey,fight,fornicate he'll take them to the barn for some upside down paddling,like ken norton got only harder.use the COBBINS paddle of old south,12 by 6 inches,thirty holes,one inch thick.
