This young man was hanging out at his friends house and got into trouble and now he is watching his best friend getting his butt spanked bare and OTK by his dad and when his dad is finished with him you will be next! Your dad hasn't spanked you like that since you were a little boy! It's embarrassing enough to be spanked by someone elses dad but to have it done to your bare ass and over his knee like a kid....Damn! You know your friend is gonna enjoy watching your butt get spanked.....just like you enjoyed watching him! You also know if your dad finds out about it (or should i say when) can expect another whuppin!

Yoh, Eric2 Man! I like the picture! he has a nice lean muscular build, it would have been interesting to see what his butt would have looked like! I am sure he would have a very spankable butt and I would have loved to have spanked it. I lucked out and never got spanked by someone else's father! However, My father was one of nine children(three brothers and four sisters) Anytime my aunts(his sisters, who had no husbands) had trouble with their kids,especially their sons, my dad would go over to their homes and spank their sons for them! One of my male cousins told me, this meant laying butt-naked across their beds and my father wearing their butts out with a belt! In these times with all the bad kids coming from single parent homes, maybe someone needs to do this, you think? At another spanking email group, (like the one you used to run) I ran into a guy who told me his black secretary asked him to come home with her and spank her 13 year old son, because he was getting to big for her to handle by herself and he obliged her! She insisted that he spank her son butt naked with a belt! He did it so often ,(until the boy was almost 18)that the boy was actually looking forward to it! and accepted it like a stoic martyr! On my maternal grandfather's neighborhood block, any of the neighbors could whip your behind and escort you home to recieve another buttwhuppingfrom your own parents! If a neighbor's kid ran across my grandfather's front yard, My grandfather would chase him away with a switch in his hand! Whenever, I was at my grandfathers' house, I made sure not to misbehave over any neighbor's house!
ReplyDeleteI agree Ayejay....I wish there were not so many fatherless boys out there but that's where the uncles and neighbors come in to lend a firm hand! I wonder what that 13 yo thought when his mom showed up with her boss and told him he was gonna get a whuppin from him! I can't tell you how many yards and lawns I was chased out of with my friends growing
ReplyDeleteI realize this is a Black site--but I thouht my (white) experience might be appropiate since it was from my best friends dad. We grew up in 50's 60's and spanking/paddling was common. I got paddled on the bare butt--as did my brothers--even in high school ys. At 15 my best friends dad took us on a camping trip--jus the 3 of us. We were kind o big and I guess -we thouht we were strong fo our age. Anyway--for serious misbehavior---my friends dad cut a tree switch--out in the boonies--we had to bend over bare---holding the bumper of his truck and he switched us --It hurt way more than any paddling! We were squealling like puppies. After he stopped--we jumped up and down and rubbed ou butts w/o shame. One switching was enough for a life time. Do others recall a switch being much worse?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, I have white buddies who were classmates in high school and neighbors on the block!They told me that switches hurt worst than anything else. Latino friends of mine also would agree with you! And of course so do I, Man, Fortunately I never got whupped by someone's else's dad, I knew better and knew I would get it twice as worse when I got back home! My parents didn't use switches,but my maternal grandfather did use switches on the seat of our jeans and occasionally on our briefs when he'd catch in bed after we undressed and was ready to go to sleep! Damn! that switch hurt worst than any belt, shoe,paddle,wooden spoon, hairbrush or even ironing cord and it left painful welts all over your legs, even while wearing jeans! I thank God, he never whipped us naked with a switch. Just thinking about it makes my butt hurt,(LOL) !