Monday, June 7, 2010

Sandy Bottom

"Could somebody help me get all this sand off my butt?" Yeah that's it....just smack the sand off of it! Come can do it harder!


  1. Ha! This is handsome booty that could use some attention. It reminds me of something one of my coworkers once told me about the way he spanks his kids. The way he put it, "When my boys misbehave, I just dust off their backsides for a little while, then they're good as gold". He said it with a smile, but I knew he meant business.

  2. LOL..You know Robert that dustin off that backside is just Dad code for spanking your butt! I'm gonna have to do a post about all the different terms a dad or son uses for getting his butt blistered!

  3. Dad may want to spank it off, but I'm sure this Nicca would prefer you just lick his ass clean
