It Took Four Spankings For Damion to Get the Message
BunbusterCopyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only, whether stated explicitly in the text or not. The original date of posting to the MMSA was: 11 Nov 2009
"He's got a cute little butt, doesn't he?", my new wife said, referring to her 18 year old son Damion. "Yes, he does, and if he doesn't shape up that cute little butt will be across my knee", was my reply. I m

arried Elle when I was 50 and she 48. It was the second marriage for the both of us. I'm Irish American and Elle is African American so we became kind of the new cool couple in our neighborhood. Aside from being love at first sight, we married after a 6 month courtship, it was fun meeting each others families and sharing our differences and our similarities.
I had been a husband and dad of boys so when I married Elle I thought I was done with the diaper changes, the baths, the baseball games and the spankings. However, I was rudely awakened to the fact that there was one of those points that I was not done with. Elle had a gorgeous 18 year old son Damion who was spoiled to the max, who had never been spanked and was badly in need of some serious manhandling.
Damion was away at school when me and Elle started to date, his absentee dad was filthy rich and he made up for not being around by showering the kid with the best that money could by, including the best college, so I did not meet him till right before the wedding.
Damion had baby smooth light brown skin and he had the kind of pretty face that the young Harry Belafonte had, but even more pretty. He was lean and muscled and, Elle was right, he had a very round high arched little bottom on him, a perfect young bottom in fact, not that I was checking it out. Well, ok, I was checking it out but Damion had the kind of bottom that was irresistible to the eye, what can I say.
A real ladies man, Damion did not take to me in the least and even at the wedding, he resplendent in his tailored tux and he had girls practically hanging on his pants legs. In fact he acted like I wasn't even alive which was fine with me. I did not need another brat in my life and Damion was a brat, demanding and disrespectful to his mom, which kind of got to me, and of the opinion that life revolved around his cute high arched tiny hiney, which his mom was always patting and pinching, though eventually, it was inevitable, I would be smacking and lashing that very same hard round little light brown caboose.
Damion came home for the summer after our marriage and he became a real trial from the very first second he arrived, ordering his mom around, flatly refusing to pick up after himself, shit, I was used to tripping over sweaty jockstraps but tripping over them in the kitchen was a bit much to me, or to help around the house at all.
Damion had another habit that his mom hated, though as the dad of to 2 boys, it wasn't the worst thing a young bugger could do, and that was walking to and from the bathroom buck, or is it butt, naked. The kid sure had nothing to hide, which is probably why his mom hated his nudity. She had a number of cougar girlfriends who wanted to get their hands and lips on her baby boy, hot young Damion.
Watching Damion in the morning, yawning and scratching his tight fuzzy young ball sack, walking to the can was, I have to admit, a treat for me too. The kid was in real good shape, slender and tight muscled, tight shoulders, flat belly, and his pecker looked like an overfed snake, plump and long and it swung as he swaggered along, and that ass, good gosh. His can was the most perfectly round ass that I had ever seen, on boy or girl. It was firm looking and covered in the smoothest baby skin ever and dimpled too!!!!
After having already seen this cute brat in action several times, when I first saw his bare young bottom on his way to the can I had the urge to haul the kid across my knee and spank that cute young tush to the moon. In

fact, when I first saw that high arched butt wiggling in the morning, I made myself a promise, that the next time Damion acted up I was going to spank his can to a burning sore red. Damion did not make me wait long.
One Saturday afternoon Damion was going to take part in one of those wrestling matches that boys take part in, the kind that you see on TV where they bend each other into pretzels so that each others asses are right in each others faces, and they try to look like they're not enjoying it. Damion was dressed in his wrestling suit, a red and white striped skin tight short short spandex number that had shoulder straps with nothing under it so lots of gorgeous baby smooth skin, chest, back, scrumptious thighs and muscular boyish calves, was visible and the damn thing hugged his butt so hotly I almost could see him stopping traffic on the street.
Well, young Damion, cute, snotty, unspanked Damion bought himself a ticket, or a ticket across my knee and the young bugger's ass was super spankable in the tight spandex, which rode up his ass crack. Young stinker most likely had one of his colorful thongs on.
"Mom, fuck off ok, and get the fuck off my case", the little brat yelled.
"Don't talk to your mom like that, kid", I yelled. "Mind your own fucking business", the young stinker yelled as he strutted his stuff like a peacock toward the door.
"You're getting a good old fashioned spanking, kid", I yelled and I grabbed Damion and pulled him into the living room. "Let me go, I said let me go, do you hear me", the brat yelled and struggled to no avail. "Hey, no you don't, stop it now", the young bugger yelled as I sat on the big arm of the couch, pulling him between my thighs and picking him up slightly and forcing him over my left thigh, even holding on to his young buns to push him over. He looked at his mom red faced and pathetic as she looked on with a smile. There is something very special and very personal about a boy's first spanking, especially when he's a cocky teen and the spanking is given by a man who is not his real dad. Damion was beside himself with mortification. He struggled helplessly and was forced across my knee in his tight spandex, his round young ass, one of his best attributes among many, sticking up helplessly for me to spank, after I patted it lovingly, pats that he usually got from his mom, not from a man who claimed authority over the young stinker. I had a big part in this session. I had to punish the boy by way of his buns, a very intimate and painful type of punishment was what I had to apply. My hand, the hand that started off patting his adorable buns lovingly, was going to cause a considerable sting to that most private part of the young stinker's anatomy and there was nothing that he could do about it. So, I needed to spank him hard, so that he got the message about who was now the boss in the house, and with enough love so that the boy did not feel overwhelmed with an authority figure that he despised. It's not easy to punish with love but I had done it countless times before. Once a man knows that his palm can create the needed effect then all negative angry feelings go out the window, in fact, seeing a naughty young bugger across one's knee helplessly causes one's heart to go out to the boy and you know that the spanking that you are going to give him is what he so badly needs and nature sure supplied this cute young rascal with a more then perfect spanking target. Damion's ass was superb in the tight spandex which was so tight that through the wedgie up his ass crack I could actually see his little anal ringlet puckering. Poor young bugger was nervous. Spank "Ahhh, hey." Spank Spank "Ouch, owww, are you crazy?" Spank Spank Spank Spank "Owww, damn, this is, ouch, crazy, oww, get off of me, man."
I did not lecture since Damion knew that he was a brat and why he was getting his bottom spanked. He was a bad boy and to his new step daddy bad boys get their hineys spanked.
Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Whap "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, yelp, yelp, yelp, sob, will you, sob, stop." There is nothing in the world quite like a boy starting to cry during his first spanking, the giving in to the sting in his precious young hiney, the feeling of being overwhelmed by a male authority figure, a man who would tan his buns relentlessly and stingingly if he did not shape up. No shape up or ship out on my watch. To me it was shape up or it's buns up across my knee for a good hot tanning, boy. Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Spank Owww, sob, sob, you made, sob, oww, your, sob, point, oww, stop, sob, oww, will you!!!!" Damion conceded that he was well spanked by the 'you made your point line', one of the lines my own boys used when they gave in to a spanking but did not want to pour it on too thick. I made sure that I did not spank Damion's thighs, though they were damn tempting, so smooth and muscularly tender, so that he would not show any redness during his wrestling match. I have a big deadly spanking palm but I also have a big heart. Damion ran out of the house clutching his fanny. While he was gone I went into the garage to get the 'after spanking chair', a chair with the seat scooped out enough to accommodate my own boys' plump young bottoms so it would surely hold Damion's hot little tail. The edges of the chair had padding attached so a boy who also had spanked thighs could have some comfort while sitting at the dinner table. "I don't want to eat, mom", Damion said with bluster when he came home. His ass was so adorable in his tight spandex that I'm sure that if his ass stuck up in another boy's face that that kid was delighted. "Young man, get your butt out here for dinner", I ordered and I grabbed the red faced young bugger and marched him over to the spanking chair and actually put him in it. Me and Elle laughed at the look on the kid's face when he felt his sore fanny fall into a pit rather then on a hard surface. Damion ate his meal in silence.
About a month later Damion was acting a whole lot better toward his mom but he still needed work. He was a boy and boys need lots of spanking so if you're a spanker they will keep you busy. Elle went out of own for a week and the chore of 'baby sitting' the boy with the high arched tiny hiney fell on my shoulders. After about 4 days of watching the boy hang around and do nothing I laid down the law and it did not sit too well with him.
"Kid, I want you up at 9AM tomorrow to mow the lawn, got it?", I asked/ordered, the kid.
"Yeah, yeah", Damion answered snottily but he did answer in the affirmative so I did not beat his ass. The next morning I gave the little brat till 9:30AM to get his pretty little ass out of bed but when he didn't stir, I went to get him. Damion was asleep on his tummy and he was naked except for a very skimpy pair of blue with red hemming silk briefs which cupped his butt cheeks exquisitely. "Hey you young rascal, get your butt up, you've got work to do", I said and I shook Damion's smooth muscular shoulder with my left hand and swatted his adorable buns with my spanking hand, not a full fledged spank but one of those firm daddy swats that a boy should know could lead to something much harder. However, the fanny swats

seemed to only enrage the sleeping young beauty and instead of getting up he reacted in true naughty boy fashion. "Fuck off, will you man", Damion snapped and he stuck his adorable buns up and farted before attempting to go back to sleep. 'Daddy' went into action.
"Ahhhhh, what, hey, ahhhhh, what???" Damion was rudely woken up when he felt a big manly arm encircle his flat boyish belly. Damion looked shocked when he was lifted up while I sat down on his bed. "Hey, ahhhhh, hey, er." Damion was really waking up as he found himself laying face down rump up across my lap. I could feel his rock hard young morning boner pressing on my thigh, even the wet cum spot. I was tempted to give Damion a wedgie but his gorgeous can looked so cute in his little panty briefs that I spanked the seat of the damn things hard and long.

Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whack Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap "Oww, ow,wwww oww, oww, ouch, owwwwwwwwwww, damn, oww." Damion kicked hard, something that he could not do during his first spanking since he was pinned between my thighs, and his little butt was bouncing every which way to avoid my hand, utterly failing every time. Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap "Awwww, sob, choke, sob, oww, ok, I'll get up, owwwww." Another successful bottom warming accomplished. I smacked Damion's adorable buns about 20 more times then I let him up, tore the panty briefs off of him and wacked his ass to the bathroom. Whack "Owwwwwww." Whack "Owww, ok, sob." Whap Whap "Owwww, sob,sob." After he pooped and brushed his teeth I put the boy in a pair of loose fitting sports shorts and whacked his little can all the way to the front lawn.

Whack Whack "Owwwwww, ok, I said, sob." The neighbors were grinning as they saw, for the very first time ever, a weeping Damion mowing the lawn, something that his mom always hired a boy to do. That evening I fixed burgers for me and Damion and he made full use of the spanking chair, since I had spanked his tender thighs for him, spanks that almost sent him flying off my lap.
"Does this brat belong to you, sir?", the big latino cop asked when I opened the door to see him holding Damion by the scruff of his neck. It was midnight and me and the brat's mom were worried sick about him.
"Yes he is sir, what did he do?", I asked as I pulled Damion in the house firmly and put my arm around his shoulder, which made the boy grunt in disapproval of the very public manhandling.
"He instigated a fight with another boy over a girl, I saw the whole thing", the cop said.
"Thank you sir, I will get to the bottom of this in the morning", I said, stressing the word 'bottom', which made the cop smile and Damion blush.
"Get up to bed young man, in the morning you're getting s spanking", I announced and as Damion blushed and scowled I turned him towards the stairs by the shoulders and gave him a very hard spank on the seat of his skin-tight black cutoffs, which got his squealing in a high pitched voice and running up the steps rubbing his adorable young can.
"Well, great sir, spank his little kulo good and soundly", the cop said and I could see from the

boy's expression as he ran up the steps that he heard the man's words and he was mortified.
The next morning I was in my room when I heard Damion's door open. He had fear in his eyes as he started to walk to the bathroom probably hoping that maybe I had changed my mind since I did not wake him up to spank him. What was real cute this time was that Damion was obviously going to jerk off in the shower since he had a huge drooling hardon riding up his flat brown belly. The massive boner looked like a big chocolate rocket and it was so virile that it throbbed out of the boy's control. As the naked young stud-puppy tried to slink toward the can step-dad went into action.
"Get your ass back into your room young man, you're getting a spanking", I said and I turned the shocked and surprised boy around toward his room, sending him on his way with hard smacks to his bare brown adorable bottom.
Smack "Owww." Slap "Ahhhh." Smack "Ahhhhh." A naked boy with a huge boner was in his room. His hardon was so hard that it stood up like a steel crowbar as I whacked his tail into the room. Damion struggled to keep from going across my lap and he fell back on his bed, giving me a good idea and that was to spank the boy diaper style, the postion that boys hate the most since they are looking right up at their spanker who is looking right up his ass while he spanks his boyish buns.

Sure enough Damion looked up at me with the most shocked pathetic look as I looked up his ass crack, and what an asscrack. The crack walls were as smooth as the boy's buttcheeks but in the center was a ring of soft black curls, and I mean a real ring, and in the center of that ring was one of the tightest little boyish buttholes that I had ever seen, and being a hands on dad and granddad I have seen a lot of boyish butholes. It was obvious that nature provided that ring of curls to keep that cute little farthole nice and warm and to absorb boyish ass sweat and anything else that the boyish little pooter gave off. I spanked the boy's bottom relentlessly and as always with a diaper style spanking, I watched him first look up at me in mortified shock, then turn his face away to avoid my gaze, only to look at me with a yearning look that said 'please stop spanking my bottom', as tears rolled down his handsome boyish face.
Also, as I spanked Damion's bare young bottom his asshole puckered and I saw that the walls of the cute brown puckered little orifice was as pink as the walls of my owns boys' boyish rump chutes. When I was done administering one of my patented butt burning spankings, I let Damion's legs go and he yelped when his buns hit the bed then turned into the fetal position and rubbed his sore butt as he wept like a baby boy. "You have 5 minutes to get yourself together then get your butt into the bathroom, do your business then get downstairs and clean the basement, like your mom asked you to do weeks ago", I ordered and I gave the boy a slap to the purple buns. Smack "Oww, oww, ok, sob, sob." In about a half hour a cute well disciplined boy in black boxers and rubbing his seat was on his way down the basement stairs.
I was supposed to be away for a week but I came back late at night a day earlier.
Damion was obviously unaware that I was home as he swaggered cockily to the bathroom with a big hardon. My wife told me that the little brat was picked up for driving drunk with a few of his little brat buddies. I was going to give Damion a taste of the belt on the bare young bottom so I, in my bathrobe, took my belt, the very one that I had used many times on my own boys' tight plump asses, and headed towards the bathroom.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I smiled and looked back at my wife, as she stood in the doorway of out bedroom smiling, as we listened to Da
mion scream out in orgasm as he blew a huge creamy wad. I listened to Damion happily singing a Coldplay song as I snuck into the bathroom. I peeked through the curtain to see Damion smiling as he washed the crack of his adorable ass, spreading the cheeks as he scrubbed the deep crevice

and his tight little butthole. "What the fuck, hey, noooooo!" The boy knew what I had in mind as I pulled the curtain aside and he saw me holding my belt in my hand.
I turned the water off, grabbed Damion by the left shoulder and whipped his bare wet bottom till the smooth brown skin was covered with purple strap welts.
Whap Whap hap Whap "Oww, yelp, oww, stop, owww." Damion screamed out almost as loud as he did when he shot his boyish cream bomb as I whipped his wet ass long and hard.
Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap Whap WHap WHap
"Oww, sob, sob, sob, yelp, sob, sob, sob, yelp." I tanned that adorable wet brown bottom with almost 100 licks of my belt and Damion was screaming out in mortified pain.
Practically unable to step out of the tub, he was so sore, I helped the boy out and through his tears he seemed very surprised at how tender I was as I dried him off, even expertly spreading his bottom cheeks without touching his welts and drying his bottom crack, even running the towel in and out of his little brown puckered pink walled bottom hole before putting my disciplinarian hat back on and whacking his can with the belt as he walked out of the bathroom till the boy was back on his bed weeping his tender boyish heart heart out.
That was the last spanking that I gave Damion. He is back at school now but he will eventually be back home and I will be ready for him, lovingly and firmly furnishing him with what he never had before I came along, firm loving manhandling which included beating his cute brown ass till it was sore and purple when he was naughty. Boys' bottoms, whether brown, white, copper colored or baby pink, whether bubbled, plump, billowy, or high arched and tiny, like Damion's adorable rounded brown mounds, were provided by nature for a man to soundly spank, and I was not a man who went against nature.