Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Feeling It!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Mmmm…you look good yo.
I come up behind you, were both naked.
You look so good leaning up against the
dresser like thatwith that sexy ass sticking out.
I never really noticed how sexy that ass is.
Look at how plump it is!
So smooth and soft…Mmmmmm
Man I just wanna smack it!
Go ahead man…..I ain’t stopping you!
Really yo?
Yeah man…smack it..
Ohhh…damn man…
Ugghhh….shit man…
You aiight?
Yeah dawg…
You got a heavy hand yo…
I didn’t know you were into this…
Me either yo…
I’m not sure why I like it.
I bet you’ve wanted me to do this for a long time huh?
No man….I never thought about this before..
Shit…damn man…my ass is hurtin yo!
You want me to stop?
Your sexy brown ass cheeks bounce everytime I hit um!
Aiight yo…
No more…please…
Mmmmmmm damn
Just rub it for me yo…
Yeah…that’s it….
Rub them all over….
I think I like spanking yo ass!
Your gonna get a lot more now that I know you like it!
You hear me?
Yeah dawg….I want you too!
Good yo....
Beaten Again...

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Keep Rubbing it!

Saturday, October 27, 2007
Brown Butt Up And Waiting
Big Beefy Butt
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Get To Bed
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A Thug Waiting On You....

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Weekly Spanking...
Your have one message. I pressed the message button on my phone and read it. Yo man...I think it's time for another round. Come over around 7. Thats all it said but I knew exactly what it meant!
Me and Marlon met a few years ago and hooked up and were with each other for about two years but were not together anymore but when we were together we found that we both enjoyed a little spanking fun. It started out lite at first and then grew into what it is now. Even though were are not seeing each other anymore we still enjoy hooking up every once in a while. He does the spanking and I take it....I'm not sure why I like it so much? Maybe I like being the sub a little or the feel of my butt on fire or how he takes charge of my behind!
He answered the door....Yo Curtis....wassup? come in. Sup Marlon?....I said. I'm alwasys nervous during these visits but I still like coming. You ready yo? Yeah man I'm ready lets go. Aiight he says....I never know what he's gonna use on me...it's always a surprise. I speak up and ask.....what are you gonna do this time man? Marlon said....I think a good old ass spankin will do tonight. I'm just gonna use my hand to wear your butt out! Come here....I go over to him and stand right in front of him eye to eye. Even though he is a large muscular brutha were still the same height. Aiight son...what do you want? I'm always embarassed during this part but I do it anyway. I want you to spank me Marlon. What else he asks? I want you to spank me on my bare ass! Curtis you better answer the question right! I'm sorry Marlon.....I want you to spank my bare ass hard! Aiight....thats better. He pulls my shirt over my head and then goes to work on my pants and shoes. I'm being stripped naked for a spanking again by Marlon! When he's finished I am butt naked and waiting. He goes and sits on a large ottoman that he has in his livingroom and tells me to get across his lap. I am face down across his lap with both my hands and feet touching the carpet and my big round black butt sticking up and waiting to be beat. He rubs my ass for a really long time ......his hand feels like it covers my whole butt sometimes. He runs his hands up and down my thighs too before finally starting.....Smack! The first blow lands....Smack....Slap....Smack! Ugghhh....He worked his hand up and down my ass for a good five minutes before resting. Ahhh...I'm already yelling and squirming pretty good.....Marlon...damn......your burning my ass up man.....Good he answered.

Saturday, October 20, 2007
Over A Barrel
I went home to visit my dad for a few days....I hadn't seen him for almost a year so I figured it was time to catch up. We just hung out for a few days just talking and helping him with a few things around the house. We were in the yard one day and we were throwing away some old junk that had been back there since I was a kid. I moved some large pieces of plywood and there it was! Dad I yelled! I can't believe you still have this barrel back here. I thought you got rid of that damn thing! What...don't you like it he laughed. Dad knew I had a long history of being bent over that thing getting my butt whipped! Man I used to hate that thing.....But I did have one good memory of it! What was that my Dad asked? N....nothing never mind. No tell me my dad insisted. Well I used to keep my stash in it. I looked at my Dad to gauge his reaction! Your stash? Stash of what? There is no way he could be that clueless I thought to myself! You know what I mean dad.....he kept looking at me with that unknowing look......Pot Dad! I used to keep my pot in there! His eyes shot wide open......What! Pot...You mean Marijuana? I can't believe you used that stuff and especially in this house!
Wow....calm down Dad...It was along time ago. I don't do that stuff anymore. I'm sorry. No it's not ok...you lied to me about it and kept it here right under my nose. He turned to walk into the house...Dad...where are you going? Come on...I said I was sorry. He stopped and turned to me. Son...I'm very disappointed in you. I know it was along time ago but you still lied to me. I think it's time for you to go home. Dad please....I was a kid...I know it was stupid. I only used a few times then I stopped! Your right son...It was stupid. He turned and walked away.....but I stopped him. Dad...what do you think you would of done to me if you found out I was smoking that stuff? You know damn well what I would have done...I would have whupped your butt good! I looked over at the barrel, I know Dad...I think maybe you could do it now. Damn did I just say that out loud? Do what...whup my but for smokin that stuff. Son you said it yourself...it was along time ago. I know Dad but If it will set us straight I'm willing to go through with it. My dad looked over at the barrel and then back at me...son your 30 years old don't you think it's a little to late? No Dad....the more I think about it the more I feel it's the right thing to do! He looked at me and said, ok son....let's get to it.
Get them shorts off....I'm gonna get my strap! I hadn't heard those words in a long time and I was suddenly real nervous. I only had a pair of loose fitting shorts on anyway so I pulled them and my underwear off over my sneakers. There I was just like I used to be all those years ago....butt naked waiting for my dad to come out and wear my behind out! Dad came back out into the yard carrying that thick black strap he use to use on me.....Ok son...get over the barrel so we can take care of this.

On a Pedestal

Friday, October 19, 2007
Cutting School
I walked into the house and was surprised to see my dad standing there.....usualy he didn't get home till around six. Hey dad what are you doing home.....but before I could finish he interupted me by asking, Were you in school today? I said I was but I was lying...I had been out with my boys all day. Boy......I don't know who you think your talking to but I'm not that stupid. Do you think you could cut school and I wouldn't find out about it? I got a call at work from the school and they said you missed three days this month! Dad, I....I don't know what you mean .......but before I could finish he cut in again......Boy I suggest that you think about what you say next because your already in for one hell of a whuppin so unless you wanna make it worse you just go ahead and keep on lying. Shit I said to myself....I knew I was busted....I can't believe I let my boys talk me into skippin out of school. I didn't want to at first but I did anyway. Damn we had some fun that first time we cut so I kept doing it. It was the end of the school year and I didn't think it was a big deal! He started yelling in spanish at me as he usualy does when he's mad! He was Puerto Rican and my Mother is black Yo dad I'm sorry but my friends made me

Same Time Next Week.....

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Deputy Jeavons Gets The Grass Cut
Copyright on this story text belongs at all times to the original author only, whether stated explicitly in the text or not.
I was taking a break from my duties, which involved cruising around the neighbour, delivering summons and keeping a vigilant eye. It was good to sit a while on the bench outside the grocery store, underneath the awning, in the relative cool.
Mrs. Hall, a middle-aged woman known vaguely to me, came out of the grocery and asked, in a timid voice, ‘Can I speak wit’ you Deputy Jeavons?’
‘Sure Ma’am.’ I smiled. She put her groceries down and I moved along to give her space.
‘It’s about my boy, Fitz.’ She began nervously. I was all ears then, since all sorts of alarming rumours already darkened the reputation of her ‘boy’. I pictured a lively and cheerful sixteen-year-old individual. He had the face of an angel, but some of his characteristics were devilish.
Mrs. Hall catalogued a long series of flaws possessed by Fitz, he was ‘sassy’, utterly lazy, – and even today, she lamented, he had refused to do any yard work.
‘A tiger could hide in the grass at the back of our house.’ she exclaimed.
She stopped short of saying that Fitz had done anything criminal, she had no knowledge of that, but she sounded far from convinced that he had not perpetrated any crimes. Fitz had been on my radar for a little while, hovering shadow-like on the fringes, mentioned here and there as a possible culprit. He was the kind of scoundrel elders and responsible people often thought ‘might be worth questioning about recent misdeeds.’
‘Of course,’ Mrs. Hall moaned, ‘it was different when his father was here.’ Mr. Hall had gone north to work in one of those ‘automobile factories’.
‘Frank, that’s my husband; he’d beat a heavy leather strap on Fitz’s butt like it was a tambourine.’ Mrs. Hall sighed in exasperation, remembering those better days.
The conversation sent a ticklish trickle of sweat down my spine.
‘Mrs. Hall,’ I announced in my best Law Officer’s voice, ‘a boy’s addiction to mischief is always stronger than his sense of prudence or fear. Take away the fear, and the control goes.’
Mrs. Hall nodded agreement and sighed again as she announced, ‘Ain’t that so.’
‘You still got the strap?’ I asked quietly, licking the last taste of soda from my lips.
‘I sure do.’ She smiled wickedly.
‘Let’s take a ride to see Fitz.’ I suggested, picking up her groceries.
Our arrival could not be kept secret from the local inhabitants, the black and white car was one

‘He’s still in his room.’ Mrs. Hall announced tired, as she nodded back down the passageway towards the blaring sounds.
‘Is that the strap?’ I asked pointing at excellent looking instrument of punishment hanging from the back of the kitchen door.
‘It sure is,’ Mrs. Hall said and then added, ‘we got a swell woodshed out the back, large and empty for swinging that strap.’
I took the strap down. It was a fine broad, thick piece of leather perfect for slapping some sense into a bad boy’s butt.
‘Ma,’ a voice bellowed above the music, ‘you doing some coffee? I need some coffee.’ Mrs. Hall shook her head slowly. The indignant voice came again, ‘Did you remember the Oreos? I need some of them too!’ I gripped the strap tighter in order to calm the excited pulsing of my blood.
I burst into Fitz’s room. The curtains were drawn; the room a mess, I smelt jack-off juice and, worse still, the stale odour of reefers. Fitz, fumbled at his fly, he smiled a gentle smile of
‘I was just fiddling.’ He knitted his brows, suppressing his feeling of annoyance.
‘Well, put your violin back in your pants, we gotta talk.’ For a boy caught shelling his corncob, he made a fast recovery.
‘What you doin’ here?’ He spat out. I gazed at his fiery, angry face. He stared at me in a most unceremonious manner, silently assessing the threat that I posed. His face was a mixture of fear and defiance.
‘Smoking reefers,’ I made a pointed of breathing in deeply, ‘running round town up to all sorts of mischief, giving your Ma’ a bad time, all ‘no-no's’, but talking to a Deputy like that, uh-uh, that’s a really serious ‘no-no’.’ I wagged my finger in his face. The boy’s wide mouth opened and closed, but no words emerged from between his ripe, full lips. I had rocked him to his foundations. I lifted and smelt the suspicious brown substance on a small square of silver paper on his bedside table. He gulped, gasped, started to look profoundly guilty, and began shaking.
I drew back the curtains and opened the window, a small crowd had gathered in the alleyway that ran beside the garden. They were curious onlookers, interested in the fate of others. I knew that already rumours of Fitz’s imagined and actual misdemeanours would be circulating. The crimes becoming more heinous as the minutes passed.

I lifted the strap up, his face lightened a shade. ‘You and I are going to the woodshed, and I’m going whup your behind real hard.’ I stated calmly, an intensely serious expression filled my face, although the sound of blood in my ears almost deafened me.
‘Whup my behind?’ Fitz nearly choked with indignation, and he froze in astonishment. Such a thought appalled him. His voice rose to such a pitch of disbelief that it sounded almost like a girl's.
‘Whup it real hard.’ I emphasized.
‘Real hard.’ He repeated in a sensational whisper. He gave me an ‘unsettled’ look.
I could see he was thinking about the precarious nature of his situation. At this point, many errant individuals embark on callow, pathetic self-justifications. Fitz just looked a little queasy, began blinking rapidly, bowed his head bashfully, and took a deep, sobbing gulp of air.
‘Ok, a whuppin’.’ He nodded as his deep, brown eyes danced wildly.
‘A real hard whuppin’.’ I repeated unable to disguise my impatience with his ‘slow learning’.
With the anger and indignation gone from his face, he was a heart numbingly handsome youth.
I put my hand on his shoulder and guided him through the kitchen.
Mrs. Hall informed Fitz that indeed she had purchased Oreos and that, provided he ‘behaved well’ some would be made available ‘after’.
Outside loafers had gathered like crows at the sight of carrion. Some craned their necks to see over the fence. Others invaded the driveway to peer round the side of the house.
Everybody was eyeballing Fitz. On the walk to the woodshed, his last traces of bravado deserted him. I could feel trembling through his shoulder, and his breathing was heavy and laboured. The grass was long; perhaps a tiger cub could hide in it.
‘ ‘One size’ is gonna get a larruping.’ A young voice cried out gleefully. The misfortunes of others fodder for mirth.
I turned in the direction of the voice and shouted, ‘If I hear another word from you, you’ll get one too.’ A young boy, his face full of happy dazzling white teeth, pulled his head down into his shoulders. The boy’s good humour vanished faster than his smile.
One size – Fitz Hall, I thought, what a burden.

We entered the woodshed, it was ‘large and empty’ as Mrs. Hall has stated. I left the door ajar, for the spectators to better appreciate and enjoy proceedings, and absorbed the smells of sawdust and creosote. Fitz moved towards the workbench that dominated the space. He might have been dumb enough to earn himself a ‘really hard whuppin’, but he was not dumb enough to think his pants were going to get in the way of the strap. He fumbled at his fly buttons, successfully unbuttoned them, pushed down his pants, and followed them with his

He looked at me pleadingly, ‘Get your ass over that bench.’
He did, I moved his shirt away and examined Fitz’s slim, pert upturned buttocks with the attentive eyes of a connoisseur. I gazed adoringly at the pretty, dark rump he presented, but for only a few seconds. My head was spinning so fast I thought it might leave its moorings and my heart was racing as if I had run a long distance. I whacked a stroke across the superb spheres and felt calmer immediately. I experienced the rapture I always enjoy when delivering a first stroke, of many, to a bad boy’s bottom. The leather strap striking the firm ass produced a loud musical note. A hoot of appreciation came from the loiterers outside. Fitz, listless and resigned, heaved a sigh. I whacked him again and followed that with a fast third stroke. I was laying heat across the centre of his bottom,

‘Ain’t that enough?’ He asked with more than a slight degree of acrimony in his voice.
‘Didn’t I say a ‘real hard whuppin,’ I planted my next stroke, ‘I said that didn’t I?’ The boy had gulped and convulsed after my last blow. ‘Didn’t I?’ I encouraged him with his next. Fitz’s right hand moved from the workbench and began to edge slowly towards his sore ass.
‘Yes, you did,’ the sorry sounding boy managed between gasps. I gave him another whack. After a pause he said, ‘surely that’s enough.’ Apart from sounding sorry, he also sounded a little riled at my persistence. I gave him another. His cute little ass jiggled and danced.
‘Fitz,’ I announced gravely, and whacked him again. ‘Anytime you decide you want to get your sore little tush back inside your pants, you can start by calling me ‘Sir’’. I whacked him once more. His bouncy ass cheeks clenched. Fitz digested the importance of what I had said to him rapidly.

‘Sir,’ he stated with the short, sharp desperation of the misunderstood, ‘I didn’t mean no disrespect, Sir.’ I whupped him again. ‘I’ll be good, Sir.’ He howled. I whupped him again. He issued first a dull groan mingled with a throaty wheezing followed by a lengthy sniffing and then a terrible wail. It was the sound of a boy in excruciating pain and of one who had learnt his lesson.
I looked long and hard at Fitz’s butt, nothing looks better than a fine, young ass with fresh ‘learning’ marks on it.
‘Up you get, Fitz.’ I ordered. Fitz did not need a second invitation. He shot upright and pulled his shorts over his hot behind. His pants followed rapidly and when in place he rubbed small, slow circles with the palm of his hands over his aching bottom.
‘Now Fitz,’ the youth stood before me. His hot face and flushed, and his eyes moist. He looked like a boy in ‘listening-hard’ mode, ‘take that lawnmower and start cutting the grass.’ Fitz was paying rapt attention, his brow knitted in immense concentration, clearly fearful that any further fault on his part might provoke a resumption of ‘whuppin’.
‘Yes, Sir.’ He stated instantly, and he even nodded his full comprehension and moved towards the implement.
‘I’m going to keep an eye on you, Fitz, you bad again, this strap gonna cling to your butt like tar to a feather, you understand?’
He understood. ‘Yes, Sir.’ He was already pushing the mower outside.
Mrs. Hall gave me coffee and I ate some of Fitz’s Oreos. Fitz was very busy cutting the grass. He worked hard, only occasionally taking time to confirm to the most fascinated and reluctant to leave, of the straggling watchers that, ‘it hurt like hell, still does.’
I took the mysterious brown substance from Fitz’s bedroom, and threw it in down a drain on way to the car. Fitz was still mowing the grass as I left.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Vid Caps
Busted At Work

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A Whuppin

Ohhhh Sweet Barry!

Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Time For Another Switchin!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Brown Bubble Butt
Grabbing his Ankles!