Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dad Knows Your Lying

Here is another photo that's worth a thousand words. Your dad comes home from work to tear your little behind up but before he does he gives you a chance to explain yourself and what happened at school today.
You start to tell the story but you keep adding in lies to get out of a butt whuppin, but you can see from his expression that he doesn't believe a single word your saying...(somehow father's just know). Your just digging yourself in deeper and deeper with those lies your telling him! Bad boy's should learn to quit while there ahead! The classic line your father says next is..."Are you finished?" You might as well just pull them draws down now!


  1. Man! Eric2, those pictures are priceless! the look of the doubting father,waiting until you finish telling him your pack of lies, so he can tally them up and add some more licks to that long hot buttwhupping he already has in store for you! The pic of the son with with the body language posture that is saying "Come on,don't you believe me, Dad?" Dads can see through those lies, after all they probably already told the same or similar lies to their own fathers to try to get out of a buttwhupping when they were growing up! (and from the stories some of them told us of the buttwhuppings they got way back then were really "brutal!") The boy in the picture is lucky! At least his dad is letting him explain what happened before whupping his butt! In my family,adults didn't always ask for explanations, they would just commence to whupping your butt! My dad would simply say" No excuses!Just bring your ass over here!" and he would commence to whupping your butt!My maternal grandfather was worst! He would start whupping your butt with a freshly cut switch and you would be crying out in protest! "I did I do wrong????!!!" and my grandfather would reply as he whupped your azz" I am getting you for something you thought you got away with, but you didn't!"( It was usually for forgetting a chore,like making up your bed before leaving the house or forgetting to empty the trash, etc.) His other favorite line was"I gonna whip you azz til it croaks like okra!" I've never understood that line, but then my grandfather came from the south, so maybe it was an old southern saying.Have you ever got caught in lie,that got you a buttwhupping later?

  2. Lol...getting it while your trying to explain doesn't really work either! I have read some stroies where the father whupped his boy and then found out later that he was innocent of the crime but the told him it was for some other thing you did that I didn't know about! I got away with much more than I got punished for I admit. So whatever spankings I got I should of gotten two!

  3. "are you finished?" I cannot tell you how many times I heard those words or similar words prior to having my brown ass turn to red. I also heard, "now you are going to get it worse for lying." I felt like saying if you don't want to hear a lie, don't ask for an explanation, lol. I had the good sense not to ever say that though.
