Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The boondocks which is featured below and is also an animated series has two thuggish boys Riley and Huey and their belt wielding Grandfather! There are alot of references to spanking whuppins and the belt! Check it our if you get a chance.


  1. I loved Boondocks. I think he still does the Boondocks TV cartoon, but no longer does the comics. It is wicked funny

  2. I love this cartoon to...The creator is a cutie too! I would like to hear his stories growing up!

  3. Yeah Eric2! I am a Boondocks cartoon fan too! I loved the cartoons and love the animated cartoons too! Yeah! his gramps reminds me of mine, except my gramps instrument of choice was a switch instead of a belt! I would have loved to have seen a scene where Riley or Huey get their rambuncious, righteous indignacious,back talking, little butts tore up! You know it is rare to find comic strips with spankings featured in them these days. But back in the day spankings showed up in alot of regular comics, like Richie Rich or Superboy over Pa Kent's lap while Pa is spanking him!(Actually he ends up breaking the hairbrush over his son's butt of steel(LOL!)Batman spanked Robin on his birthday! Little Dot got spanked! Dennis the Menace got spanked! And of course there were alot of spankings in Popeye animated cartoons! Popeye spanked his 4 nephews and the Sea Hag! Popeye himself got spanked by his father,Poopdeck Pappy!Heck even in Mighty Mouse there were spankings feathered!By the way did you ever catch the cartoon episode where Riley unknowingly hooks up with a DL rapper?

  4. Yeah...lol There are alot of gay references in the show....they are always calling each other gay or describing something as gay. I have seen alot of those comic strips and I agree that spanking was alot more common back in the day! As far as the Boondocks are concerned....if they ever made it into a real life movie I think that Jaden Smith would be perfect in either roll of Riley od Huey.
