Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Shed

By Eric

I've just finished my workout in the old shed out back and I hear dads truck pull up. I know it's just a matter of time now. I have been away at school for nearly two years now and when I get a chance I get home to visit my dad. He lives here alone now since mom passed and enjoys when I come home. He keeps the shed cleared out for me because he knows I like to keep in shape and for one other's also where I get my whuppins. Even though I'm 21 now I still get it from my dad......I know I'm bigger and a little stronger than him now but when he tells me I need a session in the shed all I say is yes Sir! I would never fight back or disobey him and I know every whuppin he has ever given me I deserved. When I came home he asked me how things were going at school and I told him that my grades have been dropping and I've been getting a little distracted and he told me we will take care of that tonight in the shed. I know I could lie but I've learnt that it always comes out eventually anyway and If I can avoid an extra ass whuppin I will! In some ways I look forward to this...not the pain but the bonding between me and him. He used to spank me across his knee with his bare hand until I was about 15 but then he switched to the strap! Don't get me wrong his hand hurt plenty! He had a calloused hand that was bigger than my whole butt! I sometimes wish he would still spank me like that but I don't have the nerve to ask. When he whups me now I strip butt naked and grab onto the wooden beam in the shed. Before when I was to shot to grab it I had to keep my hands on top of my head until he was finished and it wasn't easy! I'm glad now I can hold onto something while he is lighting my ass on fire but I still have to stretch a little though which gives him a better target. I am still sweating from my workout so this is gonna sting even more than normal!
When he comes in the shed he asks me if I'm ready? Yes Sir a tell him and take off my shorts and shoes and I reach up and grab the beam. He takes the strap that hangs by the door that has been used on my brown butt many times in the past walks over to me. Even though I have been in this position alot it is still a little embarrassing for me as I get older. He tells me that I hope I learn from this whuppin so I don't need another but we both know it won't be the last one! He usually gives me fifty good licks with the strap but I've had as much as seventy before depending on the situation! After the first ten my ass is already burning. I know better than to beg or plead for him to stop because he never would. when he gets to twenty I am moaning and squirming! By thirty tears are flowing down my face and I yell with each lick of his strap! I don't have to worry about anyone hearing us because were miles away from the nearest neighbor so it's just me, my dad and the strap! WHAP....that was number forty and I'm openly crying now just like I did when I was a boy! Through my blubbering I tell him I'll do better next semester and that I was sorry.....he doesn't say anything and gives my burning ass another searing ten licks! I must be quite a sight standing there crying like a baby and twisting around trying to take the pain away! My dad tells me it's over but to stay in position for another thirty minutes to let this lesson sink in. This is even worse that the whuppin sometimes. My arms and ass are aching and on top of that I have to listen to his speech on my behavior for the next half hour. As my dad talks to me there is alot of yes Sir's and no Sir's throughout his speech as I am still standing there butt naked with a very sore behind. When he is finished he tells me to let go of the beam and we hug....I'm still doing a little crying as I bury my head into his chest just like when I was a kid then we both go in to the house. The rest of my visit is always great after that but I know it won't be the last session out in the shed.


  1. Hey Eric. This is a hot story. Good job. I sure would like to find the address of that shed. I have some confessing to do, as well. My grades haven't been too good lately, either. LOL.

  2. Ummm!Eric, I got to agree with Robert7,this is a very good story.Good photos,too! Thanks! All that naked booty hanging from a beam reminds me of the movie"Mandingo"(or was it "Drum")In this movie,a lean,young,handsome and muscular "George Foreman" plays the slave,"Drum" who boxes other slaves for his Master. Anyway,he gets in trouble,and when he and this other slave(played by the guy who plays James Evan's father(Granddad Evans)on "Good Times) They both are taken into the barn,stripped "butt naked" and hung upside down by the ankles from the barn's wooden beams and beaten on the bare butts with a broad, leather strap!It is quite a sight to see George Foreman's beautiful,lean,muscular firm moist,sweat glistening naked buttcheeks
    get "spanked with that strap!The other brutha being whupped has a nice phat,black spankable,bubblebutt too! The Master explains that he uses the strap on their bare butts instead of a whip on their backs,because they box and he doesn't want to ruin their backs with scars that everyone would see.Eric2,I think you might find
    these "scenes "interesting" if you haven't seen them before.

  3. I have that clip...but I havn't seen the whole movie though. i don't remember the guy who played James Evans father but I'll look it up. Thanks for the info.

  4. Great story Eric. I got the belt from my dad for real all the way through college at 23, and one more time when I was 32. I'm 50 now with teenage sons of my own, and my dad is 82. I never fought it (though I tried to talk my way out of it a few times) and I'd still say "Yes, Sir" if he told me to get out to the shed and get ready - just as my sons do when I tell them.

    1. Did you really get spanked when you were 23 and 32... what dfor

    2. Yeh in you twisted mind. bitch please! We wasn't born yesterday.

  5. I hear ya Randy.....Trying to talk your way out of a belt whuppin is almost impossible! It sounds like you had a sore behind all the way through college but I'm sure he did it for your own good just as I'm sure you will with your son's!! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us Randy! Check out my next might bring back some memories!

  6. It was Ken Norton not George Foreman and James Evens was played by John Amos
